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Virtual Fundraising Ideas for Your School

Virtual fundraisers are somewhat more of a necessity in these current times, but that is not the sole reason we love it so much. Considering the flexibility that virtual fundraisers offer and the large support networks of schools, the two will always go hand in hand. For this reason, they make the perfect addition to your school’s fundraising plan.

In our post-pandemic world, it is essential to be ready to do everything online. Are you ready to get started? Here are our top online fundraising ideas for schools that will definitely capture your attention.

T-Shirt Fundraiser

This is fundraising sales made simple. All you have to do is place your logo on a t-shirt with the name of your fundraiser and ask well-wishers to sell them on your behalf! This is another fun way of fundraising that gives students a way to remember the school year. Additional points if you can put something on the shirt that’s highly relatable to the students. It is a very popular method among many schools and workplaces, and the t-shirts are likely to be in circulation for years to come!

Online Workshop

Most educational institutions have access to many intelligent individuals at any given time: the teachers. These people are highly skilled in their subjects with tons of value to offer. You can choose to get together with your team and create a webinar or a workshop to offer to your supporters for a small fee.

You don’t have to push yourself to the limit since it could be something like speaking on a certain subject, or merely focusing on mindful parenting. Students will share about it, and might be actually interested in seeing a different side of one of their teachers.

The Bottom Line

You can never run out of options when in dire need of the best online fundraising ideas for schools to leverage. From holding online workshops and social media challenges, to video game tournaments and peer-to-peer fundraising, there is more to it than meets the eye. Actually, you simply have to choose what you deem appropriate for your school.

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