International investing can be at times tricky. The hurdles range from language and currency conversions to foreign exchange and regulations. Still, most financial advisors suggest you hold at least some foreign stocks in diversified portfolio.
Some easy ways do exist to invest in foreign markets without picking up a new language or trading dollars for euros. If you are up for the opportunity and risk of international investing, here are ways to gain exposure to growth of investing in foreign markets.
Exchange Traded Funds
An international exchange traded fund offers investors a convenient way to access foreign markets. Picking the right exchange traded fund can be simpler than constructing a portfolio of stocks by yourself. Some EFTs provide exposure to multiple markets, while others focus on a single country.
These funds cover a number of investmentcategories such as market capitalization, geographical region, investment styles, and sectors. Prominent EFT providers include iShares, flex shares, first trust and more. So, before buying an international exchange traded funds, investors should always consider costs and fees, liquidity, trading volumes, tax issues and portfolio holdings.
ForeignDirect Investing
There are two ways for investors to buy foreign stocks directly. You can open a global account with a broker in your home country such as fidelity and interactive brokers. The other option is to open an account with a local broker in the target country. Forinstance, the MONEX BOOM trading platform gives investors access to the stocks in addition to other markets.
Going direct is not suitable for the casual investor. There are additional costs, tax implications, technical support needs, currencyconversions, and other factors to consider. In simple terms, only active and serious investors should participate in foreign investment. Investorsneed also to wary of fraudulent brokers not registered with regulators in their market.
Bottom Line
Having enough understanding and knowledge about the political and economic conditions in the country you are investing in is essential to understanding the factors that could impact your profits. No wonder investors should focus on their investments objectives and balancing those factors with their risk tolerance.